DMC Update – Wednesday, April 23

Many following DMC have asked for a “one-stop” source for updates. We will post updates like these to the DMC blog at least once a week. Subscribe to DMC Blog in the right-hand navigation menu to receive update notifications.

DMC at the State Capitol

DMC participated at a hearing this week in front of the Senate Tax Committee. We are grateful to the Chairman, members of the Committee and DMC chief author, Senator Senjem for all of their hard work on this bill. We continue to be pleased with how DMC has progressed through the both House and now the Senate. We are reviewing the proposal in greater detail and will continue to work closely with our key state partners, the City of Rochester and Olmsted County as the DMC proposal moves through the process. The financing plan is strong and consistent with the principles we set forth at the beginning of this process.

  • Progress continues at the Capitol where we continue to work with legislators and staff on the proposed bills.
  • While there is still work to be done on finalizing details and aligning the House and Senate versions of the revised plan, we are appreciative of all the progress that has been made in the past week.  Clearly, momentum for DMC continues to build toward finding the right solution this session.

DMC Twitter Day

Wednesday, April 24 will be “DMC Tweet Day.” The goal is to flood the #MNLeg with positive messages about DMC. Here’s how to participate:

  1. Schedule tweets throughout the day. You’re encouraged to tweet why you support DMC; just be sure to include the hash tags #MNLeg and #DMCMN
  2. Retweet others’ messages as you see fit
  3. Encourage everyone you can think of to participate


Mayo’s Commitment to Minnesota

Q: There’s been a lot of talk about Dr. Noseworthy’s comment that 49 states would love to have Mayo Clinic. Did he really mean to suggest Mayo would move from Minnesota?

A: No. Mayo Clinic is committed to Rochester and Minnesota, and is not considering moving.  Without the appropriate context, comments from an interview with John Noseworthy, M.D., president and CEO, Mayo Clinic, were interpreted by some to suggest that Mayo might consider leaving Minnesota. That is not the case. Dr. Noseworthy’s real message was two-fold.  First, for Mayo Clinic to expand in Minnesota, as outlined in the DMC plan, Rochester will need to invest in upgrading its infrastructure, and it will need support from the state. Second, Mayo Clinic is a major economic engine in Minnesota, which will only increase with the DMC proposal, and most states would welcome the kind of investment Mayo wants to make in the state.

These types of misunderstandings are a natural part of explaining new and complex initiatives such as DMC. Mayo will keep its existing operations in Minnesota, but it also is working hard so that it can grow in Minnesota.

Community Outreach

  • Our recent community engagement activities included a live forum on KTTC April 17, featuring DMC team members, legislators, representatives from the City and community. It was a productive discussion and another opportunity for us to share the DMC vision and plan with a broader audience as well as answer questions.
  • Over 120 presentations have been done in and around the broader community. There have been great questions and conversations started. If you have a question, a statement or a story to share- email [email protected] and we can continue the conversation on this blog post.