I enthusiastically take on a new role as executive director at Destination Medical Center (DMC). While I have been with DMC for five years, it definitely feels like a new beginning as I join new leadership at Rochester’s City Council, City administration, chamber of commerce, and others.
The opportunities before us are very different than just a few years ago, beyond the most obvious disruption caused by COVID-19. Fortunately, these past five years have provided us with incredible learning and great building blocks for a prosperous future.
We are proud of the progress of DMC’s first five years, humbled by lessons learned, and inspired by opportunities before us.
- We set a goal of attracting new investment from outside of Rochester into our community. Now we look to ensure that local businesses have opportunities to participate in Rochester’s growth.
- We embraced strategies enabling Women and Minority Owned Business Enterprises (WMBE) to have greater access to contract opportunities. Now we work to ensure a more just and equitable approach in all economic development decisions.
- We developed energy and sustainability initiatives which have measurably reduce our carbon footprint. Now we work towards a 21st century approach to sustainability and community resilience.
- We have begun to invest in generational public infrastructure improvements. Now we do so with an eye toward future proofing our city with universal design and assistive technology that allows every resident, of every age and ability, to fully realize their potential and participate in our community.
- We have successfully attracted life science and technology companies from around the world. Now we double down on supporting local entrepreneurs and start-ups.
- We have told Rochester’s story to businesses, investors, and developers. Now we make the same case to individuals and families. After all, in a world where you can work from anywhere, why not Rochester, MN?
Why not Rochester?
- A city that fared better than any other during the pandemic and is poised for the quickest recovery;
- A city where you can choose to live downtown and walk to work or live in a more distant neighborhood and choose transportation options like Rapid Transit;
- A city whose downtown saw the growth of new restaurants and public spaces despite the COVID disruption;
- A city that that is leveraging the innovation of its major employer to diversify and grow the economy;
- A city committed to racial justice and equity; the first designated Intercultural City in the United States; and
- A city with visionary leaders, an active citizenry, and the tools and resources to get things done.
Destination Medical Center was born of the idea that Rochester, home to Mayo Clinic, through collaboration, partnership, and innovation could achieve its full potential as America’s City for Health. An authentic claim, that no other city can rightfully make.