Equity Series: Working Toward Equality for Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage

12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Viewable online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82678314570?pwd=SkhTTlkvaGFKN2J0N3pleWwvOVNMQT09


The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans is an executive branch, non-cabinet agency tasked with the responsibility of working for the implementation of economic, social, legal, and political equality of Asian Pacific Minnesotans. The council serves Minnesota’s Asian Pacific Islander communities through advocacy, engagement, and cultivating strong partnerships.

Sia Her, Executive Director

Sia has been executive director of the Council since 2013. Before joining the Council, Sia served as Education and Training Department Manager at the Hmong American Partnership and as campaign manager for the successful Saint Paul Public Schools’ “Strong Schools, Strong Communities” levy referendum. She holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Macalester College. Sia manages all operations and projects, and develops and implements strategic and well-informed plans to ensure that the Council delivers on its statutory duties.


About the Equity Alliance Equity Series
The Equity Alliance Equity Series is a monthly seminar sponsored by Destination Medical Center and the City of Rochester. The purpose is to introduce diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices, build sustainable DEI community strategies, and build advocacy and allyship within the Rochester community. The series is held virtually on the second Wednesday of every month at noon.