Tag: Dr. Andre Terzic

DMC Storyteller Video Series: “In the Middle of Medicine” with Andre Terzic, M.D., Ph.D.

For more than 150 years, Mayo Clinic has cultivated a culture of collaboration in working to discover new medical innovations. Researchers and physician-scientists work side-by-side to turn knowledge into breakthrough therapies and critical advances in patient care. Access to the highest quality care sets Rochester apart. State-of-the-art medical facilities and the world’s brightest minds answer the unmet needs of patients to provide expert, whole-person care.

To help illustrate the many ways individuals are transforming Rochester, DMC has created a video series called “DMC Rochester, MN Storyteller Videos.” These snapshots of forward-thinking people and approaches showcase the opportunities that exist in Rochester as DMC sets in motion a new future for America’s City for Health.