(Rochester, Minn.) February 4th, 2022 – Yesterday, the Destination Medical Center Corporation (DMCC) Board of Directors passed a resolution to support staff in pursuing design improvements to the Bus Rapid Transit project, known as “Link”. The purpose of the proposed improvements advances the goals of creating a world-class experience for customers and providing equity of access, as well as optimizing federal funding.
The areas being looked at for inclusion in the project are:
- Enhanced station user experience focused on weather protection and sustainable design materials with direct access to pedestrian subways.
- Realignment and extension of east terminus with a new station on 6th SE, west of 3rd Ave. SE.
- Expand project to include infrastructure investments not part of the original federal Capital Investment Grant.
“When we look at the potential development in this area, this will provide a huge opportunity for Rochester. I’m thrilled you are suggesting these changes,” said DMCC board member Jim Campbell.
The proposed design enhancements were developed through collaborations with community co-designers and stakeholders, as well as taking into consideration future connectivity and development outlined in the Downtown Waterfront Southeast small-area plan. Staff is recommending requesting any additional costs come from Federal sources in a revised Federal Transit Administration (FTA) application, keeping the local contribution the same.
The DMCC board also received an update on activities in the Discovery Square subdistrict. Several Discovery Square stakeholders were on hand to provide their perspectives on the importance of continued support for improvements, including Lizzy Haywood, CEO of People’s Food Co-op. “We employ 73 people with competitive wages and benefits. We are counting on the continued growth in this neighborhood for our long-term sustainability.”
Additionally, the board unanimously approved the resolution to submit the DMCC Annual Report to the Minnesota Legislature. The statutorily required report includes the DMC development plan, progress on projects in the development plan, actual costs & financing sources for projects completed in the past two years, estimated costs & financing sources for the next two years, as well as debt service schedules for outstanding obligations of the city for debt service issued for projects identified in the plan. The report was approved by the City Council on January 19, 2022.
The next DMCC Board meeting is set for Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.