Certification Workshop

13:00:00 - 16:00:00
John Marshall High School Cafeteria
1510 14th St. NW
Rochester, MN 55901


Destination Medical Center, the City of Rochester, Equity in the Built Environment Program, and the State of MN APEX Accelerator are partnering to host a series of Free “Certification Workshops” to help Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Targeted Group/Economically Disadvantaged/Veteran-Owned (TG/ED/VO) companies apply for certification.

The City of Rochester proudly supports businesses owned and operated by women, minorities, and veterans. The City of Rochester recognizes the following small business certifications:

*CERT (Central Certification Program)
*MNUCP (Minnesota Unified Certification Program)
*TG/ED (Targeted Group/Economically Disadvantaged Small Business Program)