DMC’s January Sustainability Series: A New Food Justice: Revolutionary Earth and Compassion-Supported Agriculture

12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Viewable by webinar only. Join the presentation here:


Sustainability presentation and discussion led by Christopher Brenna, founder and managing director of Revolutionary Earth, a non-profit urban farm and resource alliance in Rochester, Minnesota.

Brenna founded Revolutionary Earth in 2019 to provide a more radical solution to local food justice issues. The “Farm” is a collective comprised of homeowners and community partners who donate existing lawns to be transformed into large-scale gardens. The gardens are planted, tended and harvested by a corps of more than 100 volunteers who pack the produce into weekly boxes that are delivered directly to food-insecure households across the city for free. Brenna will present on the mission and vision of Revolutionary Earth, the philosophical underpinnings of the movement and what makes this model unique.

The DMC Sustainability Series is free to view.