Equity Series: Community Wealth Building

12:00:00 - 13:00:00


Community Wealth Building (CWB) is an exciting new model and practice of economic development that is fast growing within the United States as well as many places across the world. CWB focuses on rewiring wealth and investment flows to build an economy that is inclusive, resilient, and equitable by design.  It does so by supporting communities to have greater ownership and control of local assets so that the wealth they create benefits all who live there. By developing more just and equitable local economies, CWB helps to nurture healthy and thriving communities that produce positive upstream social conditions and outcomes as a matter of course.

Sarah McKinley, Director of Community Wealth Building Programs
The Democracy Collaborative

Sarah McKinley is the Director of Community Wealth Building Programs for The Democracy Collaborative. She works to advance the planning and application of community wealth building in place and to build learning exchanges around the democratic economy in the United States, the United Kingdom, and continental Europe. Previously, she managed the Learning/Action Lab for Community Wealth Building, supported the publication of An Indigenous Approach to Community Wealth Building: A Lakota Translation, and has co-authored A New Era for Community Wealth Building, Democratic by Design: A new Community Wealth Building vision for the British economy after COVID-19, Owning the Future: After COVID-19 a new era of Community Wealth Building, Cities Building Community Wealth, The Anchor Dashboard: Aligning Institutional Practice to Meet Low-Income Community Needs, and Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment.

About the Equity Alliance Equity Series
The Equity Alliance Equity Series is a monthly seminar sponsored by Destination Medical Center and the City of Rochester. The purpose is to introduce diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices, build sustainable DEI community strategies, and build advocacy and allyship within the Rochester community. The series is held virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month at noon.