195 South Broadway
Rochester MN 55902
We need your knowledge, thoughts, and ideas!
Please join us at the DMC EDA location on Thursday, December 1 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. for a St Marys Place Community Input Open House. To register, click here!
The event will provide informal opportunities to discuss the future of the St Marys Place sub-district with staff and developers and allow you a chance to get an up-close look at the conceptual designs. This input session is intended to be a collaborative, community-driven effort that provides an opportunity for all Rochester residents, business owners, and supporters to be a part of creating a plan that helps to grow a safer and more vibrant St Marys Place.
If you have not yet completed the brief survey to share your feedback about the distinctive elements of the designs, please do so by clicking here to tell us what you like about each one.