It’s official!
The Destination Medical Center Development Plan starts tonight, as the 694-page development plan received a final approval from the DMC Corporation Board of Directors. It was the final step along the plan’s 9-month road to approval and endorsement from the public, city, and state. The plan can be downloaded here.
I can only tell you that I bring great optimism … and a huge amount of energy … and we’re going to do it. … It’s up to all of us to come together to make sure we make this happen.
— Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, chairwoman, DMC Corporation Board of Directors
Board Member Ed Hruska stressed that the plan contains language ensuring the plan remains flexible, and that the board and development agencies will be able to adjust district boundaries and individual projects to accommodate city and resident and developer needs.
“Tomorrow is Day 1. … We have a lot of work to do on it … and remember it’s a 20-year plan.”
— Ed Hruska, member, DMC Corporation Board of Directors
Board member Jim Bier urged the board to move quickly, but responsibly, on implementation of the now-approved plan, citing a concern that developers will be looking to Rochester for action and could take their projects (and dollars) elsewhere if there is unnecessary delay.
“We will constantly be losing our opportunities as the clock ticks.”
— Jim Bier, member, DMC Corporation Board of Directors