The Economic Development Agency (EDA) board report was presented by Jeff Bolton, Chair of the EDA and chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic, and Lisa Clarke, interim-executive director of the EDA. Highlights included announcing the date of a special DMCC board meeting and public hearing to be held on Thursday, April 23. This will be public comment period for the community to weigh in on the approval of the DMC development plan.
Jeff Bolton also said that Mayo Clinic and the EDA were glad to see that the City of Rochester made an offer to purchase and preserve the Chateau Theatre property. It demonstrates the City’s commitment to preserve a key element of Rochester’s history in the all-important “Heart of the City.” Mayo was very happy to assist in that effort.
The City update, provided by City Council president Randy Staver, included a recap of the Monday special City Council meeting and the excitement around the proposed purchase of the Chateau Theatre He shared, “the Chateau is the jewel of the city…and is a true connection between Rochester’s past and future.”
Overall, you could definitely feel a positive energy in the air. Both community and DMCC board members seemed excited and ready to roll-up their sleeves to start really digging into the DMC Development Plan.
Please make sure to hold the following dates on your calendar. A special public hearing and DMCC board meeting will be held on Thursday, April 23, 2015, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Mayo Civic Center. The next regular DMCC board meeting will be held on Thursday, April 30, 2015 starting at 9:30 a.m., also at the Mayo Civic Center.