Tag: Bright Ideas

Bright Ideas: The Summer Sustainability Series

Over the past six months, the Destination Medical Center (DMC) monthly sustainability speaker series has generated enthusiasm, sparked new ideas, and inspired attendees to make changes that better the environment and our community.

Kevin Bright

DMC’s Energy and Sustainability Director Kevin Bright is pleased with the response to the series thus far. “Attendance and the email list has been steadily growing organically since December,” he says. “It’s been rewarding to see community members not only get behind these efforts but take an active role in Rochester’s environmental future.”

This summer, the sustainability series will continue with three diverse topics to further the community-wide conversation.

Bright Ideas for Spring

Kevin Bright

With spring officially underway, warmer days are on the horizon! With those temperature changes come some additional options on the horizon: walk or bike to work, create a home garden, or attend some local events going on in Rochester moving forward.

Destination Medical Center Economic Development Agency and City of Rochester’s Energy and Sustainability Director Kevin Bright offers seven “Bright Ideas” to help you save energy as we head into spring and summer. Hopefully, you are able to find one or more of these ideas that may be applicable to your commute, home, or day-to-day activities.