With legislative funding secured and a governance structure under way for Destination Medical Center, it’s time for the community to share ideas for Rochester’s future.
In this video, Mayo Clinic’s own Hoyt Finnamore and John Murphy talk with Mayo Clinic staff and other community members about what they envision for Rochester – and even do a little dreaming themselves.
“The community visioning process is an important part of DMC’s success,” says Lisa Clarke, administrator for DMC. “We want to hear from community members, employees, patients, visitors – anyone who wants to help build an even more vibrant Rochester that will provide great experiences.”
The community visioning process will kick off next week. The DMC Ambassadors, a group of volunteers who are rallying the community during the visioning phase, will host DMC Day at Thursdays on First. To participate, visit the DMC table at the Peace Plaza intersection at Thursdays on First this coming Thursday, July 25 from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Share your ideas and be sure to pick up a free DMC T-shirt – while they last.
You can also share your ideas by commenting on this post, as well as DMC’s Facebook page, Twitter and Pinterest – check out the top navigation to get there quickly and easily!