Earlier this year, we asked you to help us create a new website.
Our Goal. To increase transparency, improve accessibility, and enhance connections to DMC, the city of Rochester, and the state of Minnesota.
More than 150 local and regional stakeholders responded.
The Result. A dynamic, engaging site that meets the diverse needs of the many people dedicated to making the DMC vision a success.
The new look reflects how important we feel it is to keep everyone connected with DMC through a single web portal. You’ll find tools developers and investors need to help generate new jobs and tax revenue. You’ll discover news and priorities for community residents to become and remain informed DMC advocates. And you’ll see opportunities for patients and visitors to share with us the bold vision for downtown Rochester.
Three things you’ll love about the new website:
The Homepage. With only a click, you can access DMC news & resources, plans & priorities, investors & collaborators.
The Maps. Explore each of the six sub-districts, designed for innovation and collaboration, which will activate downtown Rochester as a global medical destination.
The Blog. Read about the people, places, and events that define DMC, because we all know it’s not the plans themselves that will make our collective vision a reality.
We will be continually expanding our online content to bring you updated and relevant information, so we encourage you to bookmark the site, check back often, and connect with us on social media to be sure you receive the latest information available.
Your input was heard and valued. Click here and see for yourself!
Like it? We would love to hear your feedback.
Have some suggestions to make it better? Email them to us at [email protected].