Author and strategist Gabe Klein discusses new book “Start-Up City” at DMC luncheon

gabe klein event 1DMC EDA invited Gabe Klein, author of the newly released book “Start-Up City: Inspiring Private & Public Entrepreneurship, Getting Projects Done, and Having Fun,” to Rochester to present to nearly 175 community members on Tuesday, December 8th at the historic Chateau Theatre in downtown. Klein pulls together knowledge and experience from multiple perspectives.

He has worked as the Department of Transportation director under Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, at several startups, including Zipcar, and, in 2015, he joined Fontinalis Partners as a Special Venture Partner on their new fund. He advises on a number of technology/transportation startups and serves on the board of National Association of City Transportation Officials.

Prior to last week’s luncheon, Klein met with DMC EDA staff and stakeholders to discuss the DMC vision for Rochester. During his talk, he stressed the importance of collaboration, which will be a key driver in actualizing that vision. “It is more important than ever for the public and private sectors to work together,” said Klein.

gabe hand shakeKlein has been traveling around the country promoting his new book and helping to infuse start-up pace and energy into the public sector. He helps city’s apply practices that create a more resilient, sustainable, and enjoyable place to live. Klein spent time after the event answering questions and engaging with audience members.

Nearly every city in America is trying to figure out how to be the best version of itself, competing for great talent and innovative ideas. “Gabe’s presentation is a reminder that Rochester isn’t alone in facing tremendous change,” says Patrick Seeb, DMC Director of Economic Development and Placemaking. DMC intends to explore additional speaker engagement events for 2016. “Events like this,” says Patrick, “help to shape the community conversation by creating a shared dialogue.”


DMC would like to thank the following event sponsors:
City of Rochester | Rochester Downtown Alliance | Design Rochester
Rochester Art Center | BioAM