It was announced at the December DMCC Board meeting that Board member Bill George is stepping down from the DMC Corporation Board. George will remain a member of Mayo Clinic’s Board of Trustees, but his seat as the Mayo Trustee representative on the DMCC board will be filled by Michael Dougherty, Founder and Chairman of Dougherty Financial Group LLC.
Lt. Governor Tina Smith, DMCC Board chair, reflected on the time and talents George brought to the group during his tenure. “On behalf of the DMC Corporation Board, I want to thank Bill George for his service and commitment during these past two years,” Smith says. “His insights have been invaluable in guiding the development of the DMC strategy.”
The Lieutenant Governor and the Board members look forward to welcoming Mike Dougherty to the Board. “Mike brings a wealth of financial and healthcare experience,” Smith says,” that will help guide the DMC project into its next phase.”
Dougherty will join the DMC Corporation Board at its next meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 24, 2016.