12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Rochester Public Library (Meeting Room B), 101 2nd St SE, Rochester, MN 55904
Join us February 14, 2018 for the DMC Sustainability Speaker Series.
This monthly series is intended to educate and build community among multiple areas of expertise as well as provide a forum for people to interact and learn about new topics, projects, and ways of thinking related to sustainability. In February, we will hear from Mayo Clinic about their recommissioning program.
In 2011, Mayo set an energy reduction goal of 20% by 2020. By 2017, they had reached that target through a variety of measures, including recommissioning. This talk will explore their approach, progress to-date, and best practices with the hope of providing local practitioners with inspiration and helpful information they can use to start their own recommissioning program.
The event will be held Wednesday, February 14 at the Rochester Public Library from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.