Sustainability Series: Keeping Cool (and Warm) with Electric Air Source Heat Pumps

12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Zoom only:


Join this session for an introduction about how air source heat pumps work in Minnesota’s cold climate for heating and how they are a great option when adding or replacing air conditioning. Stories of Minnesotans adopting heat pumps in their homes will be highlighted, including what was concerning and appealing about this energy-efficient electric home heating and cooling option. Questions will be welcomed. Attendees will leave with project planning tools to help take the next steps toward getting an air source heat pump in their home or property.

Alexis Troschinetz has served statewide as the Behavioral Science and Evaluation Manager with Clean Energy Resource Teams at the University of Minnesota’s Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships and Extension for nearly a decade. She infuses behavior change science into CERTs programs; builds relationships and offers programming to utilities, and evaluates CERTs’ programs by tracking quantitative and qualitative metrics. Alexis has held a professional engineering license and obtained a B.S. and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Michigan Technological University, Sustainable Futures Institute. Alexis practiced Environmental Engineering for over 7 years at two consulting firms prior to CERTs, working on sustainable operations, remediation, and stormwater.