Public Comment at today’s DMCC Board meeting just wrapped up. Topics addressed ranged from preservation of existing landmarks–think the historic theater on Peace Plaza–to transportation and housing concerns throughout the DMC district.
One commenter stated simply: “I really want a symphony hall.” The arts are important, she said, The Rochester Symphony Orchestra needs a home, she said, and we should support it.
Another stated his vision for an elevated rail system throughout Rochester. This would benefit not only the City of Rochester, he said, but also the county, region and state.
Regarding housing, one commenter offered his desire to see downtown housing developments that will benefit “the entire spectrum of Rochester residents,” not just upper-income residents.
One individual came forward to say, simply, “Thank you.” “You all are working very hard,” he said. “and have put in a lot of time.”
DMCC Board Chairwoman Tina Smith thanked all commenters for their time and contributions to the ongoing discussion and encouraged further participation from the public.