Live Blog — DMC EDA Director Presents 2016 Work Plan

DMC Economic Development Agency Director Lisa Clarke presented the EDA’s 2016 work plan, which the agency developed to make sure the DMC Corporation policies are set in motion and followed through.

This includes a focus on three key areas for 2015-2016:

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.38.44 AMDiscovery Square — A new address for the future of bio-medical, research and technology innovation, Discovery Square is a keystone to the DMC economic development strategy. The sub-district borrows from Mayo Clinic’s integrated care model to create an integrated district founded in the principles of translational medicine. Mayo Clinic, private partners and institutions are brought together in the district, organized around a central park and translational cloud, designed to foster communication and the sharing of ideas.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.37.41 AMHeart of the City — The heart of the downtown, this sub-district creates a true center of the city, a cross-roads where Mayo Clinic, commercial, hospitality, retail and residential meet. The Heart of the City is connected by a primary spine which extends and enhances Peace Plaza to create active experiences and engaging gateways to the other districts downtown. It will serve as the gateway to Mayo Clinic and downtown Rochester.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.39.42 AMTransportation infrastructure — Transportation is not an end by itself but a platform for achieving broader community goals of mobility, equity, economic development, and healthy living, according to the DMC Development Plan. “If we don’t get transportation right on the front end, we always be playing catchup,” Clarke said. “It attracts investment and drives growth.”

DMC Corporation Board Member Jim Bier applauded the work plan and encouraged the DMC EDA to continue its work building a strategy and helping the board to execute its vision.

We believe this year is critical to really dig in deep and paint a picture of where we want to be a year from now.
— Jim Bier, DMC Corporation Board member and Chairman, Olmsted County Board of Commissioners

Clarke, in her comments, echoed Bier’s sentiment:

EDA is the engine, if you will, to execute the DMC strategy.
— Lisa Clarke, director, DMC Economic Development Agency

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