The City of Rochester and Destination Medical Center (DMC) are completing a comprehensive assessment and analysis of economic development opportunity, transit-supportive land use possibilities, public realm improvement options and infrastructure that will enhance access and ridership on a planned Rochester rapid transit system. The work will be used in the City and DMC’s collaborative planning with Olmsted County and Mayo Clinic as it relates to the development of the east and west transit villages that serve as the foundation for the system.
The proposed Rochester rapid transit corridor runs along 2nd Street SW and South Broadway Avenue. This new investment has the potential to add mobility options for residents, employees and businesses, guide future growth and development in a smart way, and enhance well-being.
To kick off this effort, two open houses will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2020:
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
University of Minnesota Rochester inside the Shops at University Square
111 S Broadway, Room 419
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Bethel Lutheran Church, Bethel Hall
810 3rd Avenue SE
“Connecting community vision to transportation goals along the Broadway and 2nd Street corridors is vitally important. This goes beyond rapid transit. It’s about creating places people want to live, work and visit,” said DMC director of economic development and placemaking Patrick Seeb.
Rochester City Planner Jarrett Hubbard is looking forward to working closely with community members. “This is an opportunity to develop a plan that creates transit-friendly, active, equitable places in the 2nd Street and Broadway corridors,” said Hubbard. “This is a key part of how we can shift travel away from reliance on cars with a single person inside.”
The open house events will provide information on the project and an opportunity for community members, business owners, and community leaders to share their ideas for what the Rochester rapid transit corridor could be in the future. Representatives from the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, DMC and the project consultant team will be available at both open houses.
The February open houses will be the first of several events over the next six months, including several pop-up events held at locations around the community to gather feedback and explain this planning effort to the community. The next set of open houses will be held on April 7, 2020 and will focus on the station area plans.