Surprise concert brings tears of joy

Mayo Clinic patient Rachel Healy says angelic voices of the Bella Voce and Bella Fiore choirs touched her heart and helped sustain her dreams. It was a surprise concert, just for her.Bella Voce and Bella Fiore

“I saw their little faces come in one by one, and children have always touched my heart in a special way….their little faces…were filled with love and joy,” said Healy, who has been a patient of Mayo Clinic for more than 30 years.

“Each girl got to go up and give her a hug….so it’s been very special,” said Shelly Winemiller, director of the Bella Voce Young Women’s Choir, in a story on KTTC-TV. .

Healy says she couldn’t help but cry.  “I just couldn’t help the tears just flowing, and I thought, oh I hope they don’t think I’m sad.  So, I tried to explain these are tears of joy, not sadness…gladness.”

Healy has spent months at Mayo Clinic, dealing with a serious health condition. Watch the story here.