DMCC Board Doubles Down on Discovery Square in Rochester, Minnesota

Approves Next Phase of Life Science and Technology Campus

The Destination Medical Center Corporation (DMCC) Board today approved $7.3 million in public infrastructure funding for Mortenson Development Inc’s construction of Discovery Square Two in the DMC Discovery Square subdistrict.

The $45 million project will be a five-story,124,000 square foot, LEED-certified medical office and lab building with outdoor space, connectivity to One Discovery Square, tenant and public programming and potential 5G connectivity. The building will support approximately 500 long-term jobs while its construction will create approximately 800 short-term jobs.

Media Release: DMC proves economic development model is working

Destination Medical Center proves the Economic Development Model is working as board members applaud efforts

Rochester, Minn. (March 22, 2018) – The impact of Destination Medical Center (DMC) is being felt throughout the southeast Minnesota region, and DMC Corporation (DMCC) board members recognized considerable progress toward several private developments and previewed some proposed projects that continue to showcase Rochester as a prime market for investors, developers and entrepreneurs.

Momentum and Discovery Square Groundbreaking Highlighted at DMCC Board Meeting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Rochester, Minn. (Nov. 2, 2017) – The Destination Medical Center Corporation (DMCC) Board of Directors today recognized significant progress toward several private developments, public infrastructure, business development, and planning goals of the Destination Medical Center initiative.

A significant highlight shared with the Board focused on job growth. More than 3,300 jobs were added since 2014 and construction activity at the four DMC-funded projects will result in more than 1,000 combined construction jobs.

The Board specifically acknowledged today’s groundbreaking by Mortenson on their Phase 1 building at Discovery Square.

“Discovery Square will be the place where Minnesota’s next generation of medical start-ups will want to be. It will create new opportunity for jobs, innovation, and economic growth and represents a major step toward fulfilling our mission of building America’s City for Health,” said Lt. Governor Tina Smith, chair of the DMCC Board of Directors. “I thank Mortenson, Mayo Clinic and the Rochester community for their work on the Discovery Square project. This is great news for Rochester and our state.”

Live Blog | 2016: “Our Year of Building Momentum”


Heart of the City, seen above, represents the heart of downtown. This district creates a true center of Rochester, a crossroads where Mayo Clinic, commercial, retail, and residential meet.

DMC Corporation Board member and Mayo Clinic Trustee Bill George called 2016 “our year of building momentum.”

As he has done at several previous DMC Corporation Board meetings, George continued to emphasize a strong focus on the Heart of the City sub-district.

“All the citizens, all the visitors to Rochster need to see improvements,” George said. “It’s incumbent upon us to get that moving quickly.”

George also suggested the DMC Economic Development Agency begin detailing plans for development of Heart of the City.

“We need to back this and get it moving,” George said. “We need to have specific milestones by which we can measure progress.”

Live Blog | Public Comment at DMC Corporation Board Meeting

Historic preservation remains top of mind for some of those following DMC and the DMC Corporation Board of Governors. At this morning’s public comment period, one person implored the board to watch closely the “power brokers” in Rochester and Minnesota, who are looking to profit from downtown development.

“Be aware of the motivations of the power brokers,” she said. “We feel that we are being rolled over.”

Citing the Connolly Building on Fourth Ave, the visitor admonished that public officials should take a more vigilant and proactive role in preserving Rochester’s historical buildings and landmarks.

“I believe that this board is sincere about historical preservation,” she said.

Board members, including Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede, affirmed the visitor’s desire to preserve local history, but challenged her assertion that not enough is being done in this regard.

Brede called attention to efforts currently underway to preserve and enhance buildings throughout downtown Rochester, including:

  • Former Senior Center – “the castle building”
  • Chateau Theatre
  • Connolly Building

DMC Corporation Board Chair Tina Smith, also affirmed the desire to preserve local history. January’s DMC Corporation Board meeting is slated to have a full discussion about historic preservation and how the DMC Corporation can help, she said.

“I’m very much looking forward to that discussion,” Smith said.

DMCC Board meeting set for Jan. 30

DMCC Board Meeting

Jan. 30, 2013

9 a.m.

Location:  University of Minnesota Rochester Campus, University Square, 111 S. Broadway, Room 417.

Chair Tina Smith has called this special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Destination Medical Center Corporation.


Convenient parking is available in the 1st Street Parking Ramp (507-282-4545), next to the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Rochester. A skyway is on the 3rd level of parking. Take the skyway crossing Broadway to enter University Square on the 2nd floor. Use the elevator to access the 4th floor. The meeting is in Room 417.

An agenda for this meeting will be posted separately in advance of the meeting.


George: DMC ‘the most important thing for Minnesota’s future’

Former Medtronic CEO and business ethics leader Bill George called Destination Medical Center “the most important thing for Minnesota’s future” in an interview with TPT’s Almanac last week. George, a member of the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees, was appointed as the Mayo representative to the Destination Medical Center Corporation Board, which is the governing board responsible for overseeing the DMC initiative.

“… It’s brand new – it’s a whole new idea that has never been tried here – I’m not sure where it’s ever been tried,” he said of the $6 billion economic development initiative that will leverage Mayo Clinic and private development to ignite growth and create jobs over the next 20 years. “I see this as the most important thing for Minnesota’s future,” he said. “This is making Minnesota a health care mecca. Our best opportunity for economic growth, jobs and good health is making Minnesota the healthiest state in the nation … that should be our goal.”

Tina Smith named chair of DMCC Board

Tina SmithTina Smith, Chief of Staff for Governor Mark Dayton, was unanimously selected as chair by the Destination Medical Center Corporation Board at its inaugural meeting last week.

DMCC was created as part of the (DMC) legislation passed in May and serves as the public governing board charged with overseeing the implementation of DMC. The law outlines the appointments of the eight members of the DMCC Board, with Governor Dayton appointing four, the City of Rochester appointing two, Olmsted County appointing one and Mayo Clinic appointing one. Governor Dayton’s appointees include Smith, former Wells Fargo executive James Campbell, Rani Engineering President Susan Rani and Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak. City of Rochester representatives are Mayor Ardell Brede and Council member Ed Hruska. Olmsted County’s representative is Commission President Jim Bier. Mayo Clinic’s representative is former Medtronic CEO Bill George, who is a member of the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees.

The Board directed Smith to retain independent legal counsel to review and propose Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for the DMCC, as well as take steps to develop the DMC work plan. Both action items will be discussed at the next meeting of the Board, which is expected at the end of September.

DMC Ambassadors engage community in visioning Rochester’s future

Thursdays on First, a weekly festival in downtown Rochester, was the site of community brainstorming and visioning for DMC. Over 80 DMC ambassadors have been working to talk with individuals and groups in the Rochester community and surrounding region about what they would like to see grow over the next 20 years. Visioning boards were full of ideas by the end of the day, including everything from increased transportation options to suggestions for restaurants, entertainment venues and social activities. Ambassadors also handed out free DMC t-shirts with the slogan “Let’s Build This Thing” – an invitation for community members to become part of the DMC initiative.

Community members are encouraged to continue sharing their ideas through the DMC Blog, as well as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Watch coverage of the Thursdays on First event from KAAL.

DMC in the news:
DMC convenes first meeting – Rochester Post-Bulletin
$6 billion makeover of Rochester and Mayo underway – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Governor Dayton, Mayo announce reps for DMCC

The Destination Medical Center (DMC) legislation that was passed in May by both houses of the Minnesota Legislature and signed by Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton created two oversight DMC groups. Today, Tuesday, July 23, the appointments to the Destination Medical Center Corporation (DMCC) were announced.

The DMCC board will oversee the state’s largest-ever economic development project and be responsible for leveraging an estimated $5.6 billion in Mayo Clinic and private investment over the next 20 years. The strategic initiative is expected to create tens of thousands of new jobs and secure Minnesota’s competitive position as the premier global destination for health care and medical advancement.

The legislation also outlined the appointments of the eight members of the DMCC Board, with the governor appointing four, the City of Rochester appointing two, Olmsted County appointing one, and Mayo Clinic appointing one member.

John Noseworthy, M.D., president and CEO, Mayo Clinic, and Gov. Dayton announced their appointments to the DMCC board today.

Bill George, a member of the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees and former chairman and CEO of Medtronic Corporation, has been appointed as Mayo Clinic’s representative. George is a professor of management practice at Harvard Business School and serves as a director on the boards of ExxonMobil, Goldman Sachs and Mayo Clinic.

Gov. Dayton’s appointments to the DMCC Board are:

  •   James Campbell, retired group executive vice president, Wells Fargo & Company
  •   Tina Flint Smith, chief of staff to Gov. Dayton
  •   Susan Rani, president, Rani Engineering, Inc.
  •   R.T. Rybak, mayor of Minneapolis

The Minnesota Senate must confirm all four gubernatorial appointees.

In June, the Rochester City Council unanimously approved the appointment of Councilman Ed Hruska as the council’s representative. The legislation also calls for the Rochester mayor to serve on the new board. Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede has announced his intention to serve.

Olmsted County has not yet announced an appointment. The DMCC Board is expected to meet in the next 30 days.

A DMC Economic Development Agency (DMC EDA) also was established by the legislation. The DMC EDA is a private economic development agency, the purpose of which will be to provide services to the DMCC board to plan and execute DMC strategies. Watch for more information on the EDA as it evolves.