Tag: Innovation

Medical Alley: Destination Medical Center: The Why, The How

The Destination Medical Center (DMC) investment in the Rochester community is more $6B; most of that privately funded. It is a 20-year initiative that will redesign the city creating a spillover benefit to the state of Minnesota as a whole. Rochester is home to the famed Mayo Clinic and a growing startup health technology community. The DMC will accelerate and complement what is already happening in Rochester, and will help Minnesota retain its place as the great state of everything healthcare.

The project is much more than a city planning and economic development effort as attendees at the first Board of Directors Senior Executive Briefing learned on February 17th at our Medical Alley Association (MAA) headquarters. Lisa Clarke, Executive Director of the DMC and Patrick Seeb, the head of economic development, delivered a briefing to approximately 40 guests of the MAA board, laying out the details of the enormous DMC effort, providing the why and the how.

Youth Startup Weekend: Taking Business from an idea to reality in one weekend

youth startup weekend

With the growth and opportunity taking place in Rochester these days, it’s no surprise that even our youth are displaying an entrepreneurial spirit.

Young innovators will unite for Rochester’s first Youth Startup Weekend, integrating elements of art, design, science, technology, engineering, and math with business and entrepreneurship, at the University Center Rochester on March 18­-20.

Youth build business in a weekend, from idea to reality. And it’s free.

GoRout: Diversifying Rochester’s Startup Landscape

Mike Rolih, GoRout CEO/Founder

This weekend, like millions of others, Rochester entrepreneur Mike Rolih will tune in to watch the Super Bowl, but he will likely be watching through the eyes of an inventor who has found a way to make the game of football better for players and coaches.

Mike Rolih has recognized and embraced the entrepreneurial landscape of Rochester and found the community to be very receptive to medical and non-medical ventures.  Rochester is, without question, a community focused on health and wellness, but a diverse business landscape is paramount to a strong and fruitful community. Startup companies like GoRout, represent the entrepreneur spirit in Rochester and the vision of DMC.   

Enhancing indoor quality of life: The Well Living Lab

logo-tmOn average, Americans spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors. From living and working to shopping and working out, exposure to indoor environments is at an all-time high. The Well Living Lab, a collaboration between the Mayo Clinic and Delos, is exploring how our health and wellbeing is affected by all of the time we are spending inside.

Rendering: Well Living Lab

The purpose of the Well Living Lab is to study these indoor environments and create healthier indoor spaces in which to live, work, and play. Focused exclusively on human-centered research, the lab is the first of its kind. By maintaining an unprecedented degree of control over the research variables it is testing, the researchers are able to manipulate and test almost any type of indoor environment.

Q&A with Limb Lab’s Brandon Sampson

Brandon Sampson (right) with a Limb Lab patient
Brandon Sampson (right) with Limb Lab patient

The mission of the Destination Medical Center (DMC) initiative is to attract people, investment, and jobs to America’s City for Health and support the economic growth of Minnesota, its bioscience sector, and beyond.

Local musician, prosthetist, and owner/founder of Limb Lab, Brandon Sampson sits down with DMC to answer some questions about his passion for helping people with prosthetic devices return to living life and embracing their “wearable art.” His story is just one of many in our community that align with the DMC vision to provide the ideal patient, companion, visitor, and community member experience.