Tag: Gil Penalosa

Active transportation and its community benefits

What makes a city great? According to Gil Penalosa, a great city is one that is livable and safe – both for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old.

Gil Penalosa

Penalosa is the founder of internationally known nonprofit 8-80 Cities and the chair of the board of World Urban Parks. The world-renowned urbanist advises communities on how to create vibrant cities and healthy communities for everyone – regardless of age, gender, or social, economic, or ethnic background.

The pioneer of the “Open Streets” movement, Penalosa has led the development of over 200 parks and worked in over 300 cities worldwide. He concentrates on design, use of parks and streets as public spaces, and sustainable mobility via bike, foot, car, and public transit and is passionate about building cities for all people.

Rochester hosts Bike+Walk Minnesota conference

This spring, Rochester is proud to welcome the Bike+Walk Minnesota conference (April 29 – May 1), bringing together planners, professionals, and advocates from across Minnesota to explore connections between biking and walking, discuss how communities are creating better public spaces for all users, and address the open-ended question of what comes next for transportation and recreation options in Rochester and around the state.

What’s happening at the Bike+Walk conference?

Opportunities to network begin the evening of Sunday, April 29 with conference programming and breakout sessions running from Monday morning through Tuesday afternoon.