We Need You — Help Us Build a Better Website

Improvements are on the way — Destination Medical Center is getting a new website — and we need your help to do it!

We’re in the early stages of designing a new website for DMC, and, to make it the best website possible, we’re asking for your input.

How are you using the DMC website? What additional information would you like there? What are some tools and information you could use? These are the types of questions where we need your input.

So, please take a few minutes to complete an online survey and help us design your new online DMC experience. We promise it won’t take long, and your time invested will pay off over the long run. The survey is open for one week, closing on Sunday evening, so please remember to participate soon.

Survey_mainWe’re looking to capture a diversity of feedback and opinions from as many DMC stakeholders as we can reach. And that includes you, dear reader of this blog. Other stakeholders would include residents, business owners, employees, investors, public officials, patients, visitors — really, it could be anyone with an interest in Rochester, Mayo Clinic or Minnesota.

A dynamic, engaging and thoughtful website will be a core component of DMC’s ability to grow the tax base and create new job opportunities in Rochester and throughout the state. We’ve succeeded in DMC this far thanks, in large part, to regular engagement from the community. Thousands of voices contributed to development and approval of the DMC Development Plan. We’d like the website to reflect a similar experience.

The new site is planned for release sometime in early fall this year. We already have some ideas, but we need yours, too. Thank you for your help.
