‘There will be continued opportunities for the public to tell us what they think about the plan before final approval,” said Lt. Gov. Tina Smith,
According to a presentation today from the Economic Development Agency, the January 29 submittal of the Draft DMC Development Plan to the City of Rochester:
- An amendment to the Draft Development Plan to incorporate revisions to the evaluation criteria
- Authorization to submit the proposed Development Plan to the city and initiate a 60-day public review period
- A definitive block-by-block master plan or land use plan for Rochester
- A commitment for capital investment for any specific projects
- An appropriation of any funds by the City of Rochester
- An obligation to enact any specific tax by the City of Rochester
Once the city completes its review and public input process, the final approval is tentatively scheduled for spring of this year. According to the same presentation, this submittal:
- A formal approval and adoption of the development plan after the 60-day city review period and DMCC public hearing
- Findings that meet the requirements and the legislative intent of the DMC Act
- A framework to guide the policies and procedures for the DMC
- Evaluation criteria for DMC investment
- Establishment of the Development District Boundaries
- A tool to support the economic development efforts of the DMC (e.g. market research, etc.)
- An outline of the planned public infrastructure and transportation programs(s) for the DMC that will trigger a conceptual planning and engineering report for the DMC district
- A workplan to guide the ongoing efforts of the DMC and Economic Development Agency
- A definitive block-by-block master plan or land use plan for Rochester
- A commitment for capital investment for any specific projects
- An appropriation of any funds by the City of Rochester
- An obligation to enact and specific tax by the City of Rochester
In case you’re wanting to review the plan, here’s a link to download the DMC Draft Development Plan and accompanying executive summary.